Superannuation Advice

Which Superannuation is Best For Me?

We help you look at all the options that are available to you. The financial advisors at Coast Financial a range of Planning have the means to access up to 500 different superannuation funds throughout Australia. This means we can provide you with the advice that suits your own individual needs. will have the option to meet for reviews receive an annual visit by one of our advisor to ensure you super is doing the best for you at all times, even if your situation changes, we will be at hand to guide you through this. As your life evolves we evolve with you.

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Industry Super

What is Industry Super You May Be Asking?

Industry Super are the default super funds for most Industries from the Building Trade to Nursing to Clerical and Administration.  From July 2005, as an Australian employee (with some exceptions) you are able to choose the fund into which your employers pay your superannuation in to. In turn industry super funds were no longer industry specific, which means you have more choice where your money goes.

Despite choice of fund being an option for most Australian workers, most workers (over 70%) stick with the default fund their employer chooses. We at Coast Financial Planning on the Gold Coast will do a complete review of your current Superannuation fund and provide your current superannuation fund may meet your needs superannuation for your needs already and if so we will recommend you to continue as you are. It’s always worth having a professional second opinion on your superannuation as this can affect when and how much you will have in your fund at retirement.


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Personal Super

Personal Superannuation Funds are superannuation’s set up by the individual and take them wherever they work. These tend to offer access to direct shares and have greater flexibility to insurance providers and their premium payments. AXA North Personal Superannuation and many more.

You can boost your super by adding your own contributions to your super fund or into your spouse’s super fund. This may be beneficial if your partner has taken time out of work to bring up a family and you would like to boost their super when they return to work.

Personal super contributions are the amounts you contribute to your super fund from your after-tax income (that is, from your take-home pay).

These contributions:are in addition to any compulsory super contributions your employer makes on your behalf. They do not include super contributions made through a salary-sacrifice arrangement.

Personal contributions are non-concessional (after-tax) contributions and will count towards your non-concessional contributions cap unless you have claimed a tax deduction for them.

At Coast Financial Planning here on the Gold Coast and Hervey Bay we will undertake a complete review of your current Superannuation funds and reveal to you any changes that are necessary, particularly if you are thinking of retiring earlier than the age of 67 it is a good idea to get your funds working for you the best way you can.

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Employer Super

Employer Super is the superannuation typically offered by small to medium sized companies. They are used as a “default fund” if the employee does not choose their own superannuation.

As an employer the super guarantee (SG) must be paid on all employees who earn above $450 per month before tax. The super guarantee (SG) is currently at 12% of your ordinary time earnings.

As an employer you must pay the SG at least four times a year by the quarterly due dates.

We at Coast Financial Planning on the Gold Coast and Hervey bay can help you ensure your superannuation payments are all up to date each year, we will also do a review to ensure your employer super is the right superannuation fund for your future needs.


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What Our Clients Say

"Can't thank Trish and her team enough for the amazing advice and support they gave me when I was going through a very difficult time this year. Trish certainly is very knowledgeable and her communication and efficiency were very much appreciated. I highly recommend their services. They are to be congratulated on providing amazing service and support. Truly a wonderful team."

"Tricia has always been very open and honest regarding all our insurance needs – she has helped us to find the best packages for our business and personal needs and always tailor made anything to suit our circumstances.She also ensures she has all information necessary to ensure we are comfortable and understand exactly what we have signed up for. When we needed to make a claim Tricia organized everything for us and the experience was easy and fast – which was much appreciated. It can be pretty mind boggling but nothing is too much for Tricia and she explains everything thoroughly, all in all we recommend Tricia for her experience, honesty and integrity."

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